Wednesday 24 September 2014

Vilnius to Kaunas (104 km, 65 minutes) Short Journey, Short Blog

Saturday 20th September

First grey day for a long time. My train is due to leave Vilnius station at 1225 from Track 4. Here the tracks are in sequence but to confuse the foreigners they have both track and platform numbers. The train is a bright, red and grey, new double decker which leaves quietly, smoothly and on time. Soon we are out in the countryside. A yellow LED display shows the next station in Lithuanian and English;. all very civilised. Opposite me is  a Frenchman who has found a fellow French  speaker,  or maybe just a passive listener, because although he is engaging him in conversation it sounds very one sided and I suspect my fellow traveller would prefer to be left in peace. Outside I can see yet more forest! The combination of forest scenery and a French monologue send me to sleep. We have only one brief stop and then we are in Kaunas. The shortest journey of my trip. Just over an hour. Not far from the station to the Ibis where I am staying. It looks very new, with clean minimalist design.

Vilnius Station

Nice  New Train

Nice  New Train
Kaunas Station

Ibis Hotel, Kaunas

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