Wednesday 10 September 2014

Trams in Moscow

Didn't use the trams but they look quite pretty in the late afternoon sun.


  1. Weather looks wonderful! Does it feel very different from when we were there? To me at the time the USSR seemed rock solid and I couldn't have imagined it changing in our lifetime. So wrong!

  2. Yes, I have been fantastically lucky with weather.
    Certainly in Irkutsk I was thinking that this could be a city in Western Europe except for the Cyrillic. By the time I got to Moscow I had got used to seeing the traffic, Western style advertising and brands. Thirty years ago I remember Moscow having a very distinctive smell, from the diesel they used I think. No more.

    Yes, I don't think anyone imagined it collapsing, is such a short space of time. . I guess the dots were there but no one joined them up. .
