Sunday 28 September 2014

Suwalki to Bialystok (approx 123 km)

Tuesday 23rd September  
Until I started planning this trip I only knew  "Bialystok" as the name of the scheming producer, played by Zero Mostel, in the Mel Brooks film "The Producers".

So when I realised it was actually a town in Poland, I decided I would like to see it, which was the reason to break the journey there rather than take the train direct to Warsaw.

In daylight, Suwalki station looks a bit less isolated than at night but it still seems to be further away from the town centre than it needs to be. The train leaves on time at 1540  and we are soon back into the forest, which I later learn is the edge of the Wigry National Park. The train ticket came with a specific seat but there are only about 5 other people in my carriage. At  1708 we stop at Sokolka which is the junction with the line that goes to Setskotai, the line that previously connected Kaunas to Warsaw.
Suwalki Station 
The Train

Starts here and goes all the way to Warsaw

Not very busy

The train

Polish Countryside

Lake Sajno

We arrive at Bialystok on time but once I  get on the bridge that connects all the platforms, I realise I have a dilemma, left or right? Look at the map on my laptop which shows the route from the station to the hotel but doesn't show which exit to use. The main station building to the left looks like the bvious way to go. Luckily at this  point I meet a young woman who speaks English and tells  that to get to the town centre,  I need to exit to the right and walk in the direction of the white church tower that can't be missed. This is a huge help but it is still quite a schlep to the Best Western Hotel Cristal hotel in  Lipowa street. The woman at reception is very welcoming as I check in but the hotel itself looks a little tired.

Landmark that is difficult to miss

1 comment:

  1. Wonder if anyone told the Poles that their trains bear a striking resemblance to Brains from Thunderbirds?
