Monday 15 September 2014

Helsinki to Tallinn (80km)

12 September
Check out and walk 5 minutes to the ferry terminal where I exchange my ticket for a boarding card which opens the turnstile to get into the departure lounge. It seems quiet; maybe I will have the ferry to myself ? But as I wait, the departure lounge fills up until it is standing room only by 1050. It's a Friday so maybe lots of people are having a long weekend in Tallinn? The ship is the Viking XPRS. It looks big!

Just after 1110 they open the doors for boarding and I am staggered by the number of people, it's  like Oxford Circus at rush hour. There is a travelator up to deck 7 where there is a luggage room where I leave my bags. Outside, on deck 10 there are relatively few people. All the tables have upturned flower pots which I realise function as ashtrays for the smokers. Stay up on deck as the ship turns, almost on its axis, and moves off through a series of narrow channels towards the open sea. The islands we pass between look far smaller than the ship. Think I would be quite nervous on the island looking up at this huge ship bearing down on me. We pass very close to Sveaborg/Suomenlidden and get a great view of it from high up

Ferry Terminal at Helsinki. Red Arrow points to Grand Marina Hotel
Outlying parts of Helsinki
The Island looks smaller then the Ship
Blunt End of the Ship
Little Room for Error
The King's Gate on Sveaborg/Suomenlidden
When we reach open water, the weather is misty, so the grey sea merges with grey sky at an almost invisible horizon. The sea is amazingly flat; not many millponds look this calm. Only the vibration of the engines tells you we are moving. I explore the other decks down below which are more crowded. There are a couple of restaurants and cafes which are packed and unappealing; it's not long since my big buffet breakfast so I am not  hungry. There are two bars both, with live music, one Country and Western and the other might be Finnish rock. Both bars are dark, which would be fine in the evening, but not at midday and one has a definite whiff of stale beer. There is an area of slot machines and, of course, a big shop. The next deck down is filled with cabins, which seem a bit pointless on this short trip,  but I think the ship does overnight sailings too.

Spend most of the voyage on the open deck stopping off in the cafe for a coffee. Very impressive how these huge ships can be manoeuvred into port so quickly. It seems to be moving pretty fast right up the last few minutes when it slows down and docks without the hint of  bump. Tallinn port looks very well set up for handling large numbers of passengers but still it takes us over half an hour to get from ship to proper land. No passport control since both Finland and Estonia are in Schengen  but as we reach the arrival hall, after a slow shuffle along the walk way, there are four police looking at us intently. Takes me a bit longer to find the hotel than I expected but check in with no problem. 

Arrival in Tallinn
The Ferry, Viking XPRS, docked in Tallinn

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