Saturday 9 August 2014

Thursday in Hue

Thursday morning. 

Had a reasonable sleep, although berths not as comfortable as the Butterworth Bangkok train. Have to put the sheets on ourselves  which seems odd given that there are huge numbers of staff on the train. Woke up before 6 and  found the buffet car right at the front, past all the people sleeping on seats both soft and hard. Several people have brought mattresses and bedded down in all sorts of odd places.

In the buffet, Pho is off so I get some instant noodles with chicken and an iced coffee. Back in the compartment, 8am and the kids are full of beans and want to play!

Instant Noodles for Breakfast

The family gets off at Qang Ngai and a young woman with several big bags of fruit gets on and takes the opposite berth from me. In Danang we are joined by a woman and two young children going to see her mother in Hue. I had expected the train passengers to be largely tourists but the vast majority are local. A few backpackers and older tourists but not many
Outside it is back to rice fields, but it feels a much more friendly landscape than the flat plain of southern  Thailand and Cambodia. More varied crops,  real villages and some hills nearby to give a sense of orientation.
Rice Fields and Distant Hills
Vietnamese Countryside
We arrive in Danang about midday and then leave Danang backwards! Hope we are not going back to Saigon, but soon the sea is on the right side, in both senses of the word and we are definitely heading North. We run along a very scenic coastline where the mountains come right down to the sea; must have seen it last year but don't remember it. We arrive in Hue about 3pm.

Secluded beaches

The Train

The train coming the other way

Wayside Halt.  Yellow and Red Flags


  1. A yellow-and-red flag generally means "Caution -- I'm half expecting a train to be coming the other way."

    1. The concept of stopping at red traffic lights doesn't seem to have caught on so it doesn't give me much confidence in red flags.
