Saturday 9 August 2014

Hue Day and Train to Hanoi

8th August
Best breakfast yet. Fresh omelette, bacon, sausages, ham, cheese etc etc. I could spend all morning eating! 

Breakfast in the Garden
Spent most of the rest of the morning making use of the WiFi before checking out. Had lunch at the DMZ, chicken and cashew nuts. As expected from the name, it has a Vietnam war flavoured theme. Considering the devastation the war caused to Vietnam, and Hue in particular, I am surprised it is considered OK to theme a bar and restaurant on it. 

Lunch in the DMZ. Did have some food as well!
"Dragon" Boats on the Perfume River
After lunch I walked across to the citadel, in two minds whether to go in  or not,  but very pleased I did since parts of it looked beautiful in the afternoon sunshine. There are a lot of photos of the imperial court which continued well into the 20th century, almost within living memory. It was modelled closely on the Chinese Imperial system with the emperor presiding over a court of mandarins, eunuchs, wives and concubines, all in strict hierarchies. A society hard for us to imagine living in, but easy to understand how resentment against it, and the colonial government, led to the rise of the communist  party. Equally hard to imagine a war being fought here in the 1970s. Definitely within living memory. It was after 5 when I left and took a trishaw back to the hotel for 60 000 Dong.
Inside the Citadel
Inside the Citadel

Inside the Citadel

Inside the Citadel
More Long Corridors
Beautifully restored, recreated,  in places
Squiggly bits on roof

Squiggly bits on roof
More Roof Decoration
And More Roof Decoration
Much of the Citadel is still a work in Progress
Worker Popped his Clogs? 
Made use of the pool for a refreshing shower and dip. Ordered a beer but got two as this is Happy Hour! Had dinner at a restaurant near DMZ, the food was very similar to yesterday's late lunch and about the about the same price for a very backpacker, touristy place.
Refreshing Dip in the pool
Happy Hour
Back to the hotel to pick up my bags and get taxi to station where I had a long wait for the train, which was running about an hour late. Eventually they opened the gates to the platform and in it came.
At least the outside looks better than Ga Saigon

Beer Ba Ba Ba from the Buffet 
Realise this is the first time I have got on a sleeper other than at a terminus. I opened the compartment door to find it fully occupied, someone was sleeping in my bed! Berth 22.  Luckily the man in lower berth 21 quickly moved to share berth 22 with a person I later learnt was his wife. The berths are not very wide so it would be very cosy for two. Clearly, people regularly book fewer berths than people either to save money or because the train is full. It is quite weird getting into a dark compartment filled with an unknown number of "strange" people. Visions of murder on the Hanoi Express. Didn't sleep so well tonight.

Woke up before 6 and headed to the buffet car which soon filled up. After a long wait, I got my bowl of beef Pho but no coffee. This year, service in the buffet cars is definitely not as good as last year. Back to the compartment and slept for another hour or so. The man and his wife were returning from holiday in Danang with their young son who had occupied one of the upper berths. Don't know what happened to the person occupying the other upper berth. The train caught up some time and we arrived in Hanoi at midday exactly. Two weeks, precisely, since I left Clementi


  1. After two weeks of travelling, have you reached the state of mind where this feels as though it is your normal life? Or do you sometimes catch yourself at odd moments wondering how much more time you still have before it's back to work?

  2. Definitely feel I have gone through a transition. Absolutely no thoughts of back to work in the conventional sense.
