Thursday 7 August 2014

Night life in Bui Vien

Turns out the road at the end of the alley, Bui Vien is the centre of the Pham Ngu Lao area night life. Dozens of bars and restaurants along the street. Had dinner in one of them,  Xich Lo. Marinaded beef with French fries with a bottle of Saigon Green beer

Never did work out the difference between green and red. Tried both last year and they seemed the same to me. Three types of bars along Bui Vien. The cheapest have small plastic chairs along the pavement. Popular with locals and the young backpacker crowd. Mid range are proper bars many of which serve food too. I was hoping to find some bars with live music but could only find two. One had a boring singer and the other a rock band playing to themselves. I had a beer in the bar opposite the Spotted Cow, which was recommended in one of the guides, but looked fairly quiet. Not that the one I was in was very lively. The third type of bar is the "Buy me a Drink" bars each with a bevy of young women outside beckoning the clients. All appeared empty of paying customers. I don't mind buying a drink for one girl for the pleasure of her company but I don't want to be paying for the whole bar. No doubt all the other guys think the same so it remains empty. Would have thought it made sense for them to get some mates in to make the place look more inviting. Or maybe they rely on the fact that after a few drinks enough men are sufficiently gullible. Using the WiFi in the bar I was able to track down some places that might have been better but they were all quite a trek away. After my beer I headed back up the alley to the hotel. 
Saigon Green

1 comment:

  1. Must be a lot worse ways to spend an evening! Hope you get as good a photo of Saigon Red.
