Sunday 5 October 2014

Warsaw to Cologne (Approx 1050km)

Friday 26th September
As usual, arrive at the station with loads of time to spare. This is the last of my overnight journeys. Find my berth in a compartment which I am sharing with 4 other guys. None  of them are very communicative; I think all are Polish. I am in the top berth this time and so watch out of the windows in the corridor as we leave Warsaw on schedule. But just 5 minutes later we stop at Warsaw Zachodnia station where I think the driver wants to see the sun set over the railway wagons. After about half an hour, when the sun has set, we start moving again. About 7, I head to the restaurant car which is standing room only. Have a beer, in the hope that someone will leave, and eventually manage to squeeze into a place at a table. Find a menu in German which I can understand a bit better than Polish although  Mozzarella salad, which I eventually decide on,  is fairly understandable in both. The young woman opposite is deep in a book but eventually we get into conversation over  a second beer. She works in the financial dept of a fashion company and is going to see her mother who lives near the German border. After we finish our beers,  I go back to the compartment and climb into my top berth trying not to wake up the other four. Fall asleep quickly but wake up briefly to see that we are in the cavernous Berlin station.

Overnight Train in Warsaw Station
My berth at the top
Saturday 27th September
About 0540, the attendant brings me my ticket to remind me we will be in Cologne soon. Arrive on time at 0614 and only just get off the train when Alex greets me. Short walk to his car and 20 minute ride to his house where Lasmini is preparing breakfast. 

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