Sunday 5 October 2014


Saturday 27th September

Lasmini prepares an absolutely fabulous breakfast of scrambled eggs with ham etc etc. She has to leave for work soon since she is a waitress in a cafe in Koln and has to work weekends. Much of the morning was taken up with Christopher's homework which seems hard since he is only 8. Then had a walk round the village they live in . Up until  few decades ago it was obviously  a farming village and there are still a couple of operating farms. It also has Burg Kendenich, a manor house complete with moat. The manor, or village, were first recorded in 941 AD so the area has a long history . Later we went out to an out-of-town shopping mall where we had Christopher's favourite of Fleischkasebrotchen, a huge slab of meatloaf in a  bun. Very tasty, very filling and only €1. From there we headed in the direction of Aachen stopping off at the biggest hole in the ground I have ever seen. It is an open cast coal mine which extends for miles. According to the website, its area is 85 square km and it is 375 m deep! Alex was telling me that it "ate" several villages and the Koln to Aachen autobahn has been re-routed so that it can be extended further.  By the time we get to the outskirts of Aachen it's clear we will not have time look around and get back in time for Christopher to see the football highlights. He is a serious Bayern Munchen fan.  In the evening go out to a Text Mex restaurant called Taco Loco where Lasmini and I share an excellent Fajita. I broke my usual tradition by having a Mojito. Back at the house we try several of Alex's single malt whiskys including one in a bright turquoise bottle which is 50% alcohol!
Alex & Christopher in front of excavator

Big hole in the ground: Open cast mine

Dinner at Taco Loco
Sunday 28th September
Lasmini cooks an even more fantastic English breakfast which could stand comparison with any 5 * hotel.  Alex, Christopher and I later go out to the Hurth Rugby Club to see young Rugby players in some games. Alex is a very keen Rugby enthusiast and is very keen for Christopher to follow suit but Christopher much prefers football. The Rugby matches seem to be very much a family affair with lots of Rugby mums as well as the fathers,  and lot of dogs. 
Later we drive into Koln and meet Lasmini at the cafe and spend the evening drinking beer and whisky with their neighbours. 

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